Monday, July 11, 2016

Wants to Take Us Fishing (Week #69)

Life is really good! I went on an exchange with Elder V this week! He's a funny kid. I stayed in my area though.

We have zone conferences about every other transfer. I'm not really sure if we'll get one with the new mission president but I'm sure we'll have something.

I have 11 transfers. I'll be on my 12th in about 2 weeks. We get 16 total. Super scary....

R we saw in passing but that was about it. But we've been talking to his daughter a little. She wants to take us fishing. haha

We had to go down to pick up new phones for our zone and had to go drop them off. we drove about 12 hours almost straight....It was a long day.

We haven't had any contact with V but her brother really wants to help us out in lessons and he's starting his mission papers!

Our goals doing ok. Some other elders told a guy who had been to church a ton of times that he needed to be baptized and he said ok and got baptized the next day. Missionaries had been working with him for
a long time. haha I don't know what changed!

What has been your biggest challenge this week?finding time for everything. Driving to McAllen and back and all over really took up some time.

What has been your biggest concern?Just making sure everyone's preparing for this next month while working for this one.

What has been your biggest success?We had this girl call us who said she went on a 3000 mile hike somewhere and on the hike some bishop gave her a Book of Mormon and she read the whole thing and told us she wanted to join and wanted our
help to convince her dad (he's a pastor). But then later she called and told us to forget it, and then her phone shut down...But we called it this morning and it's not shut off anymore. So we'll see. She seems super cool.

Who has been your favorite person this week? Why?Elder Stone. He makes everything a blast. Super fun guy.

What has been your most significant tender mercy?Probably that call from the girl. It was awesome.

What are you looking forward to this coming week?We're going to find her somehow. We've been asking people.

Which scripture has had the biggest impact on you this week?I was reading in 2 Nephi again and it talked about the Book of Mormon and how people will say they don't need another bible. I thought it was super interesting how God calls them out like that. Calls them fools and everything.

Love you guys!
Elder Hess

Biggest Santa Maria I've ever seen....

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