Church attendance....funny story about that. We work in a group now. It's the smallest possible gathering of LDS people. There were 20 people total at church this last week including us. And that's a really good week...
The lady who was from Aloha was kinda weirded out and then we started complaining about the weather and sales taxes together. haha It was nice. We actually found another lady that used to work in Aloha here. You could tell she wasn't from there though cause she used the hard h.
What has been your biggest challenge this week?
There's veeery few members here. We've spent like 4 days here and 1 in another town we cover, and we've talked to maybe 4 or 5 people total. It's nuts.
What has been your biggest concern?
We're trying to get 30 people to church total so we can have the possibility of making this place a branch.
What has been your biggest success?
We were struggling to find people (cause no one's here) and I was praying really hard in my heart to find someone. We went through the ward list and found a family we felt like we should visit and went to the address. Turns out it was a bunch of apartments and we didn't have the number....so we tried one house and it turned out to be the family we were looking for! And we met the mom (the lady who worked in Aloha. She was also baptized in Beeville), her family, and her sister's family of 6 want to be taught.

The G family. They love the missionaries and know everything about them. M (the dad) took us out to eat the day we met them which was awesome.
What has been your most significant tender mercy?
Probably finding that less active lady and her family.
What are you looking forward to this coming week?
Trying to find more members to reactivate.
Which scripture has had the biggest impact on you this week?
I was reading the story of Daniel a little this morning. He was really in tune with the spirit.
How has your testimony grown this week?
Going to a building where there's only 20 people there was a huge sign to me that God loves everyone and He wants them all to have the same chance to make covenants.
I've been feeling pretty good. Ankles been ok. We walk a tooon here so it's been a little funky. It was twitching last night, but it's all good.
Love you guys!
Elder Hess