Cockroaches are everywhere down here. We've only seen 2 in our place but they were humongous. I volunteered to kill them because I didn't want to be the ones working on the floor having them crawl all over me...Heeby jeebies galore.
Y and J are sick right now. Hopefully they start feeling better soon. Y was perfectly calm. No problems at all. Their font was really small but Elder E did the prayer and Elder B just helped get her under. It was great.
Nobody really plays basketball here. I've only played it once while I've been here.
Thanksgiving was good. It was just weird because usually I get a nice, long Thanksgiving nap but instead we went out and worked all day.
My shirts are good. I have a pretty good number of longsleeved ones. I don't have many pants though. I have to wash them a bunch.
What has been your biggest challenge this week?My biggest challenge this week has been getting good investigators again. We just can't seem to find anyone prepared who owns a car...
What has been your biggest concern?We got asked to give a lesson on whatever we felt like for a combined lesson in Relief Society and priesthood...
What has been your biggest success?Hopefully the lesson...we'll see.
Who has been your favorite person this week? Why?The L's. They're a great family. They help us out with anything we need even if it's a sacrifice.
What has been your most significant tender mercy?So last night we were working in Mathis and the L's dropped us off. But not 2 minutes into biking and Elder B got a flat. A bad one. And we had no way to get home. So we called a member who loves the missionaries and he said he would bring his "work truck". Turns out his "work truck" was a Jeep Cherokee with only the drivers seat and front passenger seat in. Soooo we squeezed 3 bikes and Elder B in the back and me and Elder E got in the front seat. Everything was going really great despite crazy discomfort. and then we went around a corner and this big truck going 95 miles an hour pulling a trailer swerved into our lane. The member pulled off really fast and the other guy swerved out of the way but the trailer came within inches of killing us. The whole thing was one big miracle.
What are you looking forward to this coming week?We have stake conference on Sunday! I've grown to appreciate conferences a lot more than I used to.
Do you have a goal set for this coming week? Tell me about it.Get some people to church....
Which scripture has had the biggest impact on you this week?Nephi building his boat. We've been called to build the boat of B. Ward. And we have no idea what we're going to do but it's going to get done.
Love you guys! Have a great week!
Elder Hess
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If you can see the black blob in the back of the picture, that's Elder B in the back |

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