Hey! Looks like an awesome week! Thanks for all the water and stamps and everything! Everyone loves the water bottles! I think I arrive at the airport around 5-ish our time and then my flight leaves at 8;14 and lands in houston at 12:10 and then a connecting to McAllen at 12:57. So I'll probably be able to call before my first flight!
What has been your biggest challenge this week? Probably getting ready to say goodbye to the zone and district. There's almost like a cloud hanging over. Like my last week at home with my friends. We all gotta split up eventually.
What has been your biggest concern? I haven't really had any big concerns this week besides the 10 pounds I've gained at the MTC.....

Who has been your favorite person this week? Why? Tidwell. He's one of my closest friends. We're always up for anything and have really grown up
What has been your most significant tender mercy? I got a email from R today! We went to the temple today and did endowments and while we were in the celestial room I was praying really hard that I could at least know he got the letter and when i got on the computer I had an email from him. It's been the best moment of my mission so far.
What are you looking forward to this coming week? Leaving. I'm so ready to get out of here and get started. It's great here but It's the same thing everyday. I need some craziness #HessFamilyMotto
Do you have a goal set for this coming week? Tell me about it. Learn as much as I can. I don't wanna get trunky for the mtc. I've still got a lot to learn.
Which scripture has had the biggest impact on you this week? 1 corinthians 10:13. The lord's got my back.

Love you guys,
Elder Hess
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