The other evening, while we were getting dinner on the table, I called Gannon's name as loud as I could and asked him to fill a pitcher with water....Obviously, he never came. We all had a good laugh about it--I'm so glad my family gets my sense of humor.
My email to Elder Hess this week started like this:
"Hey, boy!
"Hey, boy!
"How's your week been? I called you to fill a pitcher with water the other night for dinner, but you never came and did it....RUDE!
Thus his first response to me....
Hey mommypie!
Things here are good. Sorry for not filling the pitcher! I was busy...
We meet with P maybe once a week just to say hi and maybe read some scriptures. She lives with her cousin who is a JDub so we teach her and she does great and then her cousin comes in and bashes everything we say...We've tried to get her to come to church but her cousin leaves and P has to take care of all her kids...
The wedding was super awesome! We gave the money to the bishop to save a fund for when other investigators need to get married. I took a lot of pictures I'll try to attach them.
Everyone we talk to just doesn't care or slams the door in our face. We've been rejected so much we're going to make a bingo sheet of all the excuses people use. (for example: I'm catholic, I work all week, No I can't give you a referral I don't talk to anybody, I just moved here, Oh sorry my mom's in the shower...etc..) But we're still tracting and searching a lot. Elder S and my people we meet with occasionally but they're not progressing.
I've gotten a lot better with the language. I gave a talk last week and I can understand a lot of what people are saying the tough part is knowing what to say back.
I miss Voodoo and Oregon's sketchiness...There were some trailblazer socks in the mall today and I was tempted to get them but I didn't... good job A and T!! That's so cool! I haven't got any packages but maybe sometime this week..
We also had a super Saturday here. I don't think we had one at home but it's like a youth conference. Like we showed up and helped with the service project in a grapefruit orchard for 2 hours in 100 degree weather and then all the youth had classes and devotionals and a dance. It was cool to see so many youth help out. P's cousin's son came which we were surprised because we hadn't talked about it...So we talked to him and apparently his mom found out and made him go as a punishment for something...Punishment= Blessings apparently.
What has been your biggest challenge this week?
What has been your biggest concern?
What has been your biggest success?
Who has been your favorite person this week? Why?
What has been your most significant tender mercy?
Biggest challenge has been the amount of time that A and N's wedding has taken. Ugh when I get married there's no way I'm planning it...
Biggest concern has been finding new investigators. Nobody really wants to accept our message or anything.
So it turns out that along with the marriage, A and N's baptism was yesterday! Surprise!!! I thought it was next week but yeah that was really awesome.
Favorite person is Hermana A. She's a member that has us over for FHE and she is hilarious. She wants her whole family to join the church.
I'm not super sunburned from the service project. Sunscreen is one of the best inventions in human existence.
Movie night. the ward is having a movie night where we watch Meet the Mormons (in Spanish).
My goal is to get 4 new investigators. We really need it.
D & C 18 about the worth of souls is great in the sight of God.
Anyways, things here are frustrating but great! Loving it!
Love you guys,
Elder Gannon Hess
We had dinner with a family who owns a farm and Elder P killed a chicken...Crazzzzy!
Those things from Nacho Libre with the corn on a stick!? They exist!! Called elote! They're like the ice cream men of southern Texas!
Oh and the ambulances are in our apartments like 4 times a week..No idea why. |
Our dumpster was emptied this morning and it was full in like 5 minutes from our neighbors. |