What has been your biggest challenge this week?
What has been your biggest concern?
What has been your biggest success?
Who has been your favorite person this week? Why?
Elder S. We've decided we're like Hawkeye and Trapper from MASH. And we had out 3 month mark together so we bought cute pday shirts as a celebration (that's the picture)
What has been your most significant tender mercy?
Biggest challenge has been getting used to a new companion and really taking charge because he doesn't know the area yet. It's been an interesting change.
Miles. Elder P really botched the whole budgeting miles thing so we're pretty close to hitting our limit. #BikeDays!!
We had a stake activity and a ton of people showed up. It was a fitness based one so we ran and played ultimate frisbee (missionaries vs. members #notAContest) and basketball and stuff. It was a lot of fun and a lot of really cool members and investigators came. Not S tho. He'd have a hard time catching a frisbee...
Not being sick. That really sucked. If I'd had had to bike while being sick I would've died. From spontaneous combustion. Caused by excess of pukiness.
What are you looking forward to this coming week?
Friday is a ward missionary event and we're playing volleyball. We're hoping a lot of people come (but not S. See above reason)
Do you have a goal set for this coming week? Tell me about it.
My goal is to be more humble. I don't have a big problem with it (haven't ever really(is that prideful?)) but it's always good to be more so.
Which scripture has had the biggest impact on you this week?
Abinadi. Such a cool guy. Dealt with being burnt and still testified. Cool guy.